Write the vision...

by YC
A few of my many magazines!
I am a dreamer, and have been for as long as I can remember.  I have a very creative imagination, dreaming up fairy tales from outfit to love life! We’ll keep this strictly on style.  Here recently I have fallen in love with vision boards.  Every style season I put together a board with various looks in fashion, and I use it as a guide to keep me focus on my style inspiration. 
I did the same thing before starting Bougie Girl.  I flipped through an old magazine and cut out pics that would represent the direction I was going in as a new blogger.  I wanted the blog to be girlie, pink, chic, style influenced, and bold! I think I achieved that with my board, and strive on the daily to bring you those types of posts! Put your vision out there as a reminder that dreams really do come true!
Do you have a vision board? What inspires you?

Bougie Girl's vision board!


  1. I love the power of vision boards. They have allowed me to manifest many things in my life. As a holistic wellness, I always have my clients create them to have them focus on things they really want. Great post. Blessings

  2. I love that Yolanda, I will start my vision board this week. I look forward to your blogs.
