Captured over the weekend...

by YC

Lipstick - Moulin Rouge by Makeup Forever

I had the best weekend EVER!!! I celebrated my alma mater's homecoming in Durham, NC, and boy did I have fun! From hosting a party at the local Saks Fifth Avenue to hanging out on the "yard" (totally an HBCU saying) and having brunch at one of my favorite spots, Elmo's Diner.  The weekend was flawless, and so was my red lip!
Cheers to le iPhone for capturing it all!

Le red brought out a repetitive pucker!

Le red took over my facial expressions!

Le red left her evidence, everywhere!

Le red also made me put the sunroof back and blast the heat at the same time! 

So just when le red thought it was in a league of its own, le manicure took over! 
Manicure - "Butler, Please" by Essie Winter 2013
 Le red showed up for brunch!
Elmo's Diner downtown Durham, NC...Sweet Potato Pancakes were amazing! 
Through the boldness and daring moments, le red brought a smile out of me that was genuine and real...I think I like her! 

And lastly...


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