Not your volcano science's a face mask


Having good skin is very important to me! Therefore, forming a habit of practicing good skincare is simply what I do.  I love makeup, and I love being outdoors, but both can take a toll on your skin…specifically, your face.  So on top of using facial cleansers and exfoliators, I also use a mask.  Let me tell you about my latest mask. 

It’s called, “Indian Healing Clay,” and as they say, it’s the most powerful facial in the world.  I’m so convinced of this statement because in each use, there’s a pulsating motion that you will feel once the mask is on your face.  I imagine it to be tiny magnetic forces, pulling all the dirt and makeup out of your face, while vacuuming the pores clean.  You’ll get that last statement once you use it. 

I start off scooping the powder into a ramekin (I use about two tablespoons).  I also add a few drops of almond oil for added moisture.  I have a friend that uses tea tree oil.  Next, organic apple cider vinegar.  The mixture will begin to fizz…reminding you of a volcano science project.  Mix well.  Here, I use a Popsicle stick, but a plastic spoon works just the same. 

Apply the mask on a clean face.  You already know to avoid your eyes and of course, don’t eat it.  While the mask sits on my face (eight to 10 minutes), I usually take a shower or read, but what you won’t be doing is talking.  As the mask hardens, that pulsating action we talked about earlier begins, and well, no one will understand what you’re saying, so it’s no need of trying to talk. 

Once you’ve had enough…and believe me, you will feel like you’ve had enough…it’s time to rinse off.  Typically, I do this with warm water, and then follow up with a cold splash (you must close those pores).  Follow up with a moisturizer (I use jojoba oil) and you’re all set.  You will immediately notice how amazingly soft your face will feel and look. 

Indian Healing Clay is available at Whole Foods or Earth Fare


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