Product Review: Revlon’s Just Bitten Kissable™ Balm Stain

by YC

Revlon’s Just Bitten Kissable™ Balm Stain

Let’s just be honest here, most girly girls love a good lip! By this I mean a good lipstick or gloss.  During my many trips to Target, strolling the makeup aisles, I noticed the beautiful Emma Stone, posing with a perfectly stained pout.  The striking actress lured me in without verbal persuasion, but by the amazing shine and selections, coming from a lip”stick” display that had me at hello!

It’s called, Just Bitten Kissable™ Balm Stain, and is a collection of 12 colors.  I was eager to try this new crayon-like lipstick to see how it works for me.  I’m a lover of anything pink, so I ended up choosing “Lovesick.” The first thing I noticed was the balm reminded me of a crayon or a shorter kindergarten pencil.  But there’s no need to look for the right sized sharpener because it doesn’t need one! The end of the pencil is retractable, just like any lipstick.  Cute! Right? After removing the top, I immediately did a sniff test, and took in a minty scent, knowing that this product was going to feel great on my lips. 

Test time.  After moisturizing my lips – I never wear a lipstick without doing so – it was time to apply the gel-like lipstick to my lips.  I layered stain after stain, until it created a bold enough look, and also used a lip liner by MAC, called Currant for more definition.  After eating, drinking, and talking – you know the norms of a day – I was for certain that my lips were back to it’s original color, until I looked in the mirror and noticed that it was perfectly stained.  And on top of that my lips still felt moisturized.  

Kudos, Revlon! Job well done! 


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