Sunday Brunch: "Let them eat cake"

by YC

Red Velvet Cupcakes by Sweet C's Bakery

By now, we all have heard of Marie Antoinette.   She was the teen queen who ROCKED Versailles with her rebellious, yet adventurous ways.  The same actions that got her noticed, also summoned her fate.  Although the history books doesn’t expound on her chicness, perhaps we can learn a few fashion lessons from the attitude of a Diva. 

Marie Antoinette was known for her love of fashion and hosting lavish parties.  She loved couture, and often brought in French designers to create her inspiring wardrobe.  But this is not where our lesson is coming from, but instead, a well-known phrase that lives on today: “Let them eat cake!”

Not figuratively, but when there seems to be a famine in your wardrobe, allow your style to compensate for what feels lost by feeding your body with garments and accessories that turns bland into grand…and it’s not even your Birthday

Dress - TJ Maxx, Shoes - Gucci, Jewelry - Monkee's of Irving Park


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