Fashion Gives

by YC

Table setting for Fashion Gives

For the past two years, around my Birthday time, my company (The YCB Agency) and I have directed the attention off of me and instead, directed it to Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North CarolinaSecond Harvest falls under the national umbrella of Feeding America, in which their sole purpose is to do just that - feed America.  This year, I affectionately themed it, “Fashion Gives!”

The private event allows for socialites, entrepreneurs, fashionistas, and bloggers congregating into one setting where all the details matter: Ambience! Food! People! Location! And of course, the swag bag!  .  
But greater than that it would give each of us the chance to pour into Second Harvest’s mission by financially contributing. 
This year's event was held in downtown Greensboro, NC at the trendy Bin 33 Restaurant!

Here are a few pics from the event!

Centerpiece - Daises and Hydrangeas 
Limes added an interesting touching 
Blogger and Fashion Writer, Tomris ( and I
I opted for the crab cakes
A few guests.  I'm wearing: Dress - F21, Belt - Express, Shoes - Jimmy Choo
Me, alongside of Fashion and Beauty Entrepreneur, Theresa Williamson
Pink Lemonade Cake by Maxie B's!

To learn more about Second Harvest Food Bank. log on to! 
To see Tomris' post on Fashion Gives, click here!


  1. LOVE it! It was such an amazing and classy night! and for such a great cause! Thanks for the shout out YC!
    x x

  2. Happy belated birthday!!! and loved the outfit and the blog! follow me


    1. Thanks a bunch!! Will definitely do so! xxBougieKisses
