Sunday Brunch: Set the tone!

by YC

Dress - ABS, Pumps - Jessica Simpson

If I had to pick one day out of the week that I ABSOLUTELY adore, it would be Sunday! I’ve always felt that Sunday has a calming effect.  You may feel that Friday is cool, Monday is a drag, and the others just exist, but I say Sunday brings perspective of what’s to come.

So let’s apply this to your personal style! Technically, Sunday is the start of a new week, so use this day to step out with a stunning look.  Whether you’re going to church or brunch, allow your attire to be a head turner (in the right way, of course)! This day can set the tone for the rest of the week, where Monday will be FAB, and the other days will follow! You have the closet to create a glamorous week


  1. I have been following your blog for awhile you are very stylish and beautiful.
