Now that's Holy!

T-Shirt - Forever 21 | Skirt - | Sandals - BCBG by Max Azria | Fedora - Gap

“If you want to go to heaven, then you better dress like it!” A phrase I’ve heard, while being critiqued on what I was wearing.  Growing up in a religious setting and having a love for fashion was very difficult.  Self-expression was limited and controlled by leaders, whether it was the Pastor telling you what you could or could not wear, or your parent(s).  You see, for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been a “fashion girl!” Even before I could wear a certain look, I would imagine me in it.  But I had an issue.  I was taught women couldn’t wear pants, because the Bible says so.  No one challenged this mandate, because it was like challenging God.  So we were cold in the winter time, but Jesus loved us, and we were going to heaven. Your outer appearance was a dead giveaway as to whether or not your soul would one day sing with the angels or be totally lit on fire! The long skirts, no makeup or earrings got you your ticket to heaven, along with being a believer, of course, and the tight “britches,” red lip “Jezebel,” well, pretty much spoke for itself.  For the record, I NEVER believed any of this. 

Now before you think I was walking around looking like Laura Ingles from Little House on the Prairie…couldn’t be further from the truth.   If I had to wear a dress or skirt every day, it needed to be stylish.  And they were.  So much so that to hear, “I like what you have on” wasn’t foreign to me.  In fact, some adults would argue to say that my dresses were too tight, skirts too short, etc.  So, wait! There are ramifications around what type of dress? Hmm…Oh, I was hell bound at this point, with a gasoline mini skirt on. 

And then the worst thing that could ever happen to a controlling dictator happened.  I began to question everything I was taught about appearance.  I wanted a relationship with Jesus Christ and understand His Word for myself.  And guess what? The Bible never said anything about you would go to hell if you didn’t have on a dress.  In fact, being holy was less about my clothes, and more about our heart.  Do we truly love our neighbors like ourselves? Do we show compassion for each other? Do we love God?

Although I am a J. Brand Jeans wearing, Ruby Woo (the perfect red lipstick), movies goer (if I can stay awake), Beyonce loving (No Explanation) BELIEVER, I say read the Bible for yourself.  Pray for wisdom and understanding.  Get to know this God of love and not of a wardrobe.  I still have family members that would probably be upset because of my views on this subject, and that’s fine, but someone out there needs this.  And I don’t mind creating that outlet.  Now that’s Holy!! 

Photo credit by Torey Searcy of Tory Searcy Photography


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