
Blouse - Forever 21 | Jeans - Joe Jeans | Pumps - Jimmy Choo | Gold Chain - Target

The fashion world has been obsessed with transparency, and I have too.  So many garments allow for the perfect peek of skin, making it one of the season’s biggest trends.  I’m no stranger to it, as I look for every opportunity to feature my pretty brown, whether I’m in shape or not so much.  But for me, transparency goes deeper than fashion.  It allows me to search my heart. 

As we expose ourselves to relationships, friendships, etc., there is a certain level of clearness that we must possess.  It doesn’t benefit anyone to guard those beautiful characteristics that attract people to you.  Share them, because just like in fashion, those are the things that people will remember the most.  


Photo Credit: Torey Searcy of T Searcy Photography


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