Birthday Weekend Part 1

Brunch with these special ladies

Hey Hey!!! I hope your Labor Day weekend was great! Mine was EXTRA special because I celebrated my Bday on Sunday (August 31st)! I honestly thought that I would, maybe do brunch on Sunday, sing Happy Bday and be done with it.  But all of that changed about a week from the actual date.  Although I wanted to keep it very low key, and it was, I found myself wanting to be around fun, genuine people.  So, as the typical Virgo, I ended up celebrating all weekend long. 

So that this post isn’t extra long, I decided to break it up into parts, starting with pics from Pre Bday Bowling – which, I don’t’ do often, but I did get two strikes: how you like me now – and my Bday Brunch! Don't worry, I will also share my full outfit deets, and the almost fashion disaster! My photographer wasn’t available so I captured all of these special moments with my trusty dusty digital cam and iPhone! Enjoy!!


Bowling fun at Triad Lanes

Brunch at The Worx, Greensboro, NC


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