World Hunger Day

Tonight, I had the privilege to host my very own FEED Supper x The FEED Foundation! Founded by Lauren Bush Lauren (such a cute name), FEED Supper was a genius idea to raise awareness about the fight against hunger.  And I couldn’t help but notice how these super cool suppers have been popping up on my Instagram page by the likes of Nicole Ritchie, Ivanka Trump, and so many more!

I found out about the initiative (Lauren’s goal was to raise 1 million meals) on last week, and by Thursday (October 16th) –which just so happens to fall on World Hunger Day – I was able to round up a few smart, savvy ladies to have supper with.  My mom catered the meal, and between good eats, and great conversation, I would say we were able to do our part in achieving 1.6 million meals raised.

Here are a few pics from the event:   

I used Mason Jars as my vases and cut fresh rosemary to place on the cheeseboard 

Gorgeous flowers!

"FEED Supper" banner

The Menu: Turkey Sandwich with Provolone and a Cranberry Relish, Mixed Green Salad, Butternut Squash Soup

Dessert: Tea Cake with fresh berries and homemade whipped cream and mint

Great group of friends

Dress - Anthropologie  


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