Let Go and Let God

by YC

Tank and Denim - Forever 21 | Heels - Christian Louboutin | Necklace - Vintage 

Let go and let God. Yep, that was the operative phrase people would use, often when I was going through some type of disappointment, yet needing positive encouragement.  Let’s be clear; that was not the answer I was looking for.  Something about not in being control seemed scary.  And although I loved God [cues Erica Campbell’s “I Luh God”], and quite frankly, still do, I had formed this belief that letting go would mean I wouldn’t get what I desired.  Boy was I wrong!

After trying to create this magical land of my own desires, over and over again, it never worked and I failed miserably.  Me letting go was by force.  I hit a brick wall and accepted the fact that an all-knowing God was the ONLY option to pull me through.  When I let go I found YC.  When I let go I found purpose.  I learned to trust God in all areas of my life, and for the first time began to truly live.  I’m telling you, the best thing you could ever do for yourself is Let. Go.


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