Let the Church Girl say, Amen!

Jacket & Jeans - F21, Tee - C. Faith Collection, Clutch - Banana Republic, Pumps - Christian Louboutin

I have to be honest.  This winter weather – vortex and all – zapped every bit of my desire to peck the keys and certainly, brave the ice storms and smile for the camera.  I was a bit lazy and lost some of my inspiration.  Can you believe that I wore flat riding boots, all winter long? So serious! Not a heel in sight.  Needless to say, the bloggie took a back seat, until now! Bougie’s Back! ;-p

On this particular day, I had to emcee an all male panel called, “Google It!” This opinionated forum was hosted at a local church, and all types of topics were tackled, like sex, dating, natural hair with African Americans (by the way, the consensus of the panel was they detest when black girls wear their hair in any afro style!), and being a provider.

Since the event was held at a church, I found it to be fitting to wear this “Church Girl” tee by C. Faith Collection.  And besides, I am a church girl! I paired it with comfy skinnies and a blazer, and must say the elements of gold were a nice play off of the gray hue.  Although, the outfit wasn’t typical church – neither was the event - I was pleased with the final look. So for now, let the church girl say, Amen!   



  1. If the men on the panel really detest afro styles I think they need to keep their opinions about black women's hair to themselves.

  2. LOL, I think that it's okay for the men to have that opinion, but it's unfortunate being that "afro" is how the hair grows out of our heads.
