Miss Goody Two-Shoes

Dress and Shoes - Jessica Simpson

There was a time when I honestly believed that I HAD to be Miss Goody Two Shoes! I wanted that persona, and I desperately tried to live up to a certain standard daily.  But something went wrong.  Through life experiences, I created a definition for this person that was the antithesis of the initial intention.  Meaning: I was a mean girl.   My fashion fell into that same whirlwind; having to be well put together in a way that high fashion could only couple with its equal. (God forbid that Forever 21 would find a way to pair itself with Marc Jacobs: Blasphemy!) I spent so much money to try to fit into this self-created world, and the change begun.  I wasn’t new to the luxury world – I was exposed to designer labels at a very young age – but I began to develop this identity that could only be defined by who I was wearing. 

Fast-forwarding to now, I realized that I was carrying around so much baggage and bitterness.  And quite frankly, it was a lonely world, but I dressed good.  Cold-hearted, but I looked good.  Sad, but the façade was too good.  And then I came face-to-face with my truth.  Miss Goody Two Shoes had nothing to do with what or who I was wearing or who my family was, but everything to do with my heart and how I treat people.  It comes natural for me to speak first, to smile whole-heartedly, and to compliment genuinely.  But because of a few mishaps and run-ins with mean girls, I associated those traits with weakness.  Admittedly, there are times when I find myself falling into that warp sense of thinking, but I’m human and I make mistakes.  

Never intentional, just learning to embrace the real Miss Goody Two Shoes



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