Making life more Bougie!

T-Shirt - Cynthia Rowley | Jeans - Forever 21 | Pumps - BCBGeneration

Welcome to the new Bougie Girl’s World! I am over-the-moon excited that this day is finally here!! As you can see, I’ve cleaned up the site a bit, and we’ve dropped the [dot] Blogspot, and are now  I initially started this blog in spring 2012 to see if I would like the responsibility that goes along with it, but what I would soon learn was that I loved it, yet had minimal time to commit to it.  After reevaluating which direction I wanted go career wise, I started filtering out those things that no longer brought me joy or better yet, served a purpose in my life.  Well, as you can see, I held onto you, *cues Beyonce* and I promise not to let you go!

Here at Bougie, I talk fashion, beauty, food, travel, and even love. If it fits in our World, it will probably be discussed.  I will bring you the latest in trends, answer your questions (at least I will try) about style or beauty, and take you with me on exciting adventures, since we are officially BFFs! My goal is to serve you by making your life, well, a little more Bougie!



Photo Credit: Ashleigh Crawley of Still Shots Photography


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