This has nothing to do with fashion...or does it?

Dress - Gianni Bini | Accessories - My own 

For the past year I have done nothing but research this industry! At first, it was solely for the purposes of me feeling more energized, and also, my doctor told me my iron was slightly low.  Not wanting to take iron pills, I then began to research which fruit and/or vegetable was full of iron, and how could I add that to my daily intake? So, I began juicing.  Everywhere I would go I had a mason jar with me, sipping away.  And then it was a magical moment that propelled me to where I am now.  An acquaintance that often saw my colorful drinks asked me, “If I pay you, would you make me one?” Before I could even think about it I had agreed to do so.  And that one moment led me to where I am now.  You see, this is bigger than me!

Although it seems that it has nothing to do with Fashion or Beauty, I see it as having EVERYTHING to do with Fashion and Beauty.  I admire the beauty of the colors, the chicness of the bottles; it all is relative to the brand that I’ve built.  I cannot begin to tell you how our bodies crave wholeness in our food choices.  Our digestive system deserves a break.  Our blood cells want pure nutrients and vitamins to feed off of, so that you can feel and look your best! It wasn’t until juicing that I finally understood that EVERYTHING God made is good.  He wants this for us, and I do too! This is the new movement, this is Blend; This Is Living…Get Into It! 

For more info on Blend Juice Boutique, please visit!

Photos taken by Ashleigh Crawley of Still Shots Photography


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